You need to learn on environmental regulations?

You need to research water treatment technology?

You need to optimize environmental management?

Here, ARES shares comprehensive solutions from environmental procedure, water treatment and very practical environmental management for those who have a desire to protect the environment, businesses and communities to satisfy their needs cause of purpose for environmental development

Environmental Procedure Solution

Share and advise regulations on environmental procedure for businesses

Water treatment construction solution

Share and advise on optimal, effective and economical water treatment solutions

Customer Support Solution

Sharing and consulting on improvement, response and prevention of environmental incidents

Environmental Procedure Solution

Share and advise regulations on environmental procedure for businesses

Water treatment construction solution

Share and advise on optimal, effective and economical water treatment solutions

Customer Support Solution

Sharing and consulting on improvement, response and prevention of environmental incidents

Why prepare EIA completion report?

The EIA completion report (legal name: Report on results of environmental protection works) is made in accordance with Decree 40/2019/ND-CP and Circular 25/2019/TT-BTNMT to meet the requirements:

  • Legalize the transition from project implementation to production.
  • Having a plan to protect the environment, solutions to treat waste generated during production.
  • To complete the legal procedures after the environmental impact assessment report has been made.

Is sludge from wastewater treatment systems hazardous?

Sludge from the wastewater treatment system as prescribed in Appendix C of Circular 36/20215/TT-BTNMT dated June 30, 2015 is:

  • Waste sludge with a waste threshold of 2 stars (**): The waste source owner must contract with a functional unit to collect and treat the above sludge in accordance with regulations on hazardous waste management;
  • Waste sludge with a waste threshold of 1 star (*): When it is not proven that it is not a hazardous waste, it must be managed according to hazardous waste regulations. If you want to manage according to regulations of normal industrial waste, you must take samples to prove that it is not hazardous waste according to QCVN 50: 2013/BTNMT.

What types of water resource permits are there?

According to Article 15 of Decree No. 201/2013/ND-CP dated November 27, 2013, water resource permits include: underground water exploration license; license to exploit and use surface water; permits for exploitation and use of underground water; license to exploit and use sea water; permits to discharge wastewater into water sources.

What is the content of the environmental work report?

According to Circular 25/2019/TT-BTNMT dated December 31, 2019, the report on environmental protection will integrate the types of annual periodic reports of the Enterprise, including: Environmental quality monitoring report/ Report on results of environmental quality monitoring, Report on hazardous waste management, Report on management of domestic waste & common industrial solid waste,… Download here

Who is not required to apply for a wastewater discharge permit?

According to Clause 5, Article 36 of the Law on Water Resources 2021, a number of cases are exempted from applying for a license to discharge waste that can be discharged directly into the water source, including: discharge on a small scale (small) and special especially not contain harmful chemicals, radioactive substances. Specifically, in the cases specified in Clause 3, Article 16 of Decree No. 201/2013/ND-CP dated November 27, 2013, in addition to the above cases, a permit to discharge wastewater into water sources is required.

Who prepares the EIA completion report?

Report on results of implementation of environmental protection works is a type of document that project owners, production and business establishments that have been approved for EIA make before the project goes into operation. Pursuant to Appendix II of Decree 40/2019/ND-CP, the objects specified in column (4) in the Appendix must make a report on completion of environmental protection works according to regulations.

Who must register the Hazardous Waste Source Owner's Book?

Production, business and service establishments engaged in hazardous waste generation activities must register hazardous waste source owners’ books, except for the following cases:

  • Hazardous waste generators have been operating for no more than 1 year;
  • Establishments generating hazardous wastes regularly or periodically annually with a total quantity of ≤ 600kg/year, except for hazardous wastes on the list of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as prescribed in the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants;
  • Offshore oil and gas facilities.

For the above subjects, the registration shall be replaced with the first-time hazardous waste management report as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 12 of Circular 36/2015/TT-BTNMT.

Who has to carry out a preliminary environmental impact assessment?

Preliminary environmental impact assessment is the consideration and identification of the main environmental issues of an investment project during the pre-feasibility study or the stage of proposing the implementation of an investment project.

Subjects to perform preliminary environmental impact assessment are investment projects subject to EIA (specified in Appendix II, Section I, Appendix issued together with Decree No. 40/2019/ND- CP day). And the report complies with Decree No. 54/2021/ND-CP dated May 21, 2021 on preliminary environmental impact assessment.

What is the test operation planning process?

Step 1: Collect project information and documents related to the test operation plan.

Step 2: Make and send the plan for trial operation of waste treatment works (send to the specialized environmental protection agency of the province where the project is implemented and the agency approving the EIA).

Step 3: The specialized environmental protection agency of the province where the project is implemented conducts an actual inspection of the project.

Step 4: The specialized environmental protection agency of the province where the project is implemented issues a written approval.

Step 5: Conduct test operation.

What is the process of applying for a water resource permit?

Step 1: Collect information and project documents related to water resource permits.

Step 2:  Make and submit the application for a license to the competent authority.

Step 3:  The competent authority checks the completeness and validity of the application file for a license.

Step 4:  Organize the appraisal of the dossier and decide on the licensing.

Step 5:  Project owners, production and business establishments receive the License, and comply with the license term.

What is the process of applying for adjustment and extension of water resource permit?

The process is similar to applying for a new water resource permit. However, the appraisal time will be shorter, and the application for adjustment or extension must report the current status of exploitation and use of water and the implementation of the permit in advance. Applying for new

How long is the discharge permit valid?

According to Article 21 of Decree 201/2013/ND-CP dated November 27, 2013, the wastewater discharge permit has a maximum term of 10 years, a minimum of 3 years and is considered for renewal many times.

  • The licensing agency determines the specific duration of the permit based on the condition of each water source, the level of detail of information, data of investigation and assessment of water resources and the application file for granting or renewing the permit. of organizations and individuals.
  • Businesses must meet certain conditions to be allowed to renew their license.

How long is the trial operation?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 9 Article 1 of Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP dated May 13, 2019, the trial operation time of the waste treatment works is from 3 to 6 months from the time of commencement of operation. experiment. Accordingly, the evaluation time in the stage of adjusting the performance of each stage and the efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant (the minimum frequency of wastewater monitoring is every 15 days) is divided into the following cases:

  • In case of trial operation for about 3 months, the evaluation time is at least 75 days.
  • In case of trial operation for about 6 months, the evaluation time is 150 days.

When is the environmental work report made?

Environmental protection report is an annual report that an enterprise must make to report to the management agency on the overall environmental protection work at the establishment (specifically, the reporting period is from the date of this report). January 1 to the end of December 31 and reports are sent to the management agencies before January 31 of the following year, except for the cases of reporting at the request of the agency). The first report is sent before January 31 of the year.

Environmental procedure solution

Share and advise on environmental procedure for businesses

You need to learn about environmental regulations?

But you don’t know which professional or specialist to look for? ARES will provide you with the applicable environmental regulations to help you with all relevant legal issues

Environmental procedure solution

Share and advise on environmental procedure for businesses

You need to learn about environmental regulations?

But you don’t know which professional or specialist to look for? ARES will provide you with the applicable environmental regulations to help you with all relevant legal issues

Why prepare EIA completion report?

The EIA completion report (legal name: Report on results of environmental protection works) is made in accordance with Decree 40/2019/ND-CP and Circular 25/2019/TT-BTNMT to meet the requirements:

  • Legalize the transition from project implementation to production.
  • Having a plan to protect the environment, solutions to treat waste generated during production.
  • To complete the legal procedures after the environmental impact assessment report has been made.

Is sludge from wastewater treatment systems hazardous?

Sludge from the wastewater treatment system as prescribed in Appendix C of Circular 36/20215/TT-BTNMT dated June 30, 2015 is:

  • Waste sludge with a waste threshold of 2 stars (**): The waste source owner must contract with a functional unit to collect and treat the above sludge in accordance with regulations on hazardous waste management;
  • Waste sludge with a waste threshold of 1 star (*): When it is not proven that it is not a hazardous waste, it must be managed according to hazardous waste regulations. If you want to manage according to regulations of normal industrial waste, you must take samples to prove that it is not hazardous waste according to QCVN 50: 2013/BTNMT.

What types of water resource permits are there?

According to Article 15 of Decree No. 201/2013/ND-CP dated November 27, 2013, water resource permits include: underground water exploration license; license to exploit and use surface water; permits for exploitation and use of underground water; license to exploit and use sea water; permits to discharge wastewater into water sources.

What is the content of the environmental work report?

According to Circular 25/2019/TT-BTNMT dated December 31, 2019, the report on environmental protection will integrate the types of annual periodic reports of the Enterprise, including: Environmental quality monitoring report/ Report on results of environmental quality monitoring, Report on hazardous waste management, Report on management of domestic waste & common industrial solid waste,… Download here

Who is not required to apply for a wastewater discharge permit?

According to Clause 5, Article 36 of the Law on Water Resources 2021, a number of cases are exempted from applying for a license to discharge waste that can be discharged directly into the water source, including: discharge on a small scale (small) and special especially not contain harmful chemicals, radioactive substances. Specifically, in the cases specified in Clause 3, Article 16 of Decree No. 201/2013/ND-CP dated November 27, 2013, in addition to the above cases, a permit to discharge wastewater into water sources is required.

Who prepares the EIA completion report?

Report on results of implementation of environmental protection works is a type of document that project owners, production and business establishments that have been approved for EIA make before the project goes into operation. Pursuant to Appendix II of Decree 40/2019/ND-CP, the objects specified in column (4) in the Appendix must make a report on completion of environmental protection works according to regulations.

Who must register the Hazardous Waste Source Owner's Book?

Production, business and service establishments engaged in hazardous waste generation activities must register hazardous waste source owners’ books, except for the following cases:

  • Hazardous waste generators have been operating for no more than 1 year;
  • Establishments generating hazardous wastes regularly or periodically annually with a total quantity of ≤ 600kg/year, except for hazardous wastes on the list of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as prescribed in the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants;
  • Offshore oil and gas facilities.

For the above subjects, the registration shall be replaced with the first-time hazardous waste management report as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 12 of Circular 36/2015/TT-BTNMT.

Who has to carry out a preliminary environmental impact assessment?

Preliminary environmental impact assessment is the consideration and identification of the main environmental issues of an investment project during the pre-feasibility study or the stage of proposing the implementation of an investment project.

Subjects to perform preliminary environmental impact assessment are investment projects subject to EIA (specified in Appendix II, Section I, Appendix issued together with Decree No. 40/2019/ND- CP day). And the report complies with Decree No. 54/2021/ND-CP dated May 21, 2021 on preliminary environmental impact assessment.

What is the test operation planning process?

Step 1: Collect project information and documents related to the test operation plan.

Step 2: Make and send the plan for trial operation of waste treatment works (send to the specialized environmental protection agency of the province where the project is implemented and the agency approving the EIA).

Step 3: The specialized environmental protection agency of the province where the project is implemented conducts an actual inspection of the project.

Step 4: The specialized environmental protection agency of the province where the project is implemented issues a written approval.

Step 5: Conduct test operation.

What is the process of applying for a water resource permit?

Step 1: Collect information and project documents related to water resource permits.

Step 2:  Make and submit the application for a license to the competent authority.

Step 3:  The competent authority checks the completeness and validity of the application file for a license.

Step 4:  Organize the appraisal of the dossier and decide on the licensing.

Step 5:  Project owners, production and business establishments receive the License, and comply with the license term.

What is the process of applying for adjustment and extension of water resource permit?

The process is similar to applying for a new water resource permit. However, the appraisal time will be shorter, and the application for adjustment or extension must report the current status of exploitation and use of water and the implementation of the permit in advance. Applying for new

How long is the discharge permit valid?

According to Article 21 of Decree 201/2013/ND-CP dated November 27, 2013, the wastewater discharge permit has a maximum term of 10 years, a minimum of 3 years and is considered for renewal many times.

  • The licensing agency determines the specific duration of the permit based on the condition of each water source, the level of detail of information, data of investigation and assessment of water resources and the application file for granting or renewing the permit. of organizations and individuals.
  • Businesses must meet certain conditions to be allowed to renew their license.

How long is the trial operation?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 9 Article 1 of Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP dated May 13, 2019, the trial operation time of the waste treatment works is from 3 to 6 months from the time of commencement of operation. experiment. Accordingly, the evaluation time in the stage of adjusting the performance of each stage and the efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant (the minimum frequency of wastewater monitoring is every 15 days) is divided into the following cases:

  • In case of trial operation for about 3 months, the evaluation time is at least 75 days.
  • In case of trial operation for about 6 months, the evaluation time is 150 days.

When is the environmental work report made?

Environmental protection report is an annual report that an enterprise must make to report to the management agency on the overall environmental protection work at the establishment (specifically, the reporting period is from the date of this report). January 1 to the end of December 31 and reports are sent to the management agencies before January 31 of the following year, except for the cases of reporting at the request of the agency). The first report is sent before January 31 of the year.

Water treatment construction solution

Share and advise on optimal, effective and economical water treatment solutions

You need to research water treatment technology?

But you don’t have a trusted expert or professional to advise you? ARES will provide you with practical technical solutions to help you solve all related construction problems.

02 important points in the operation of the laundry wastewater treatment system.

Firstly, color is the leading pollutant indicator in industrial washing & dyeing wastewater, which greatly affects the quality of treated wastewater of any technology. Second, for every 1m3 of wastewater generated, 0.4-0.7 kg of sludge is generated, this waste belongs to the hazardous group and must be managed according to the regulations on hazardous waste.

Therefore, if you don’t pay attention and effectively handle these two problems, the industrial washing & dyeing water treatment system will operate inefficiently and cost money.

Reduce investment area for wastewater system Residential area

The population is growing and developing, along with residential areas and urban areas forming countless numbers. And the difficult problem for investors is how to build a domestic wastewater treatment system in residential areas and urban areas so as not to occupy a lot of area, not to cause bad odors for residents and to ensure the beauty of the area. area.

Understanding that difficulty, today’s wastewater treatment technology has developed a block box system that reduces 30-40% of the volume compared to traditional tank construction technology. In addition, this technology can be easily built into the surface to help reduce both space and occupation in residential areas and urban areas. Consult the solution

Why do investors always need a wastewater treatment company?

Wastewater is one of the most common types of waste generated in human activities and production. Because of its many impacts on the environment, this type of waste is strictly regulated on standard treatment before being released. Wastewater treatment requires high technology, thoroughly effective to ensure security and environmental quality, so investors need to have experts to accompany to:

  • A highly specialized and experienced wastewater treatment company will advise and design specialized and qualified treatment technologies.
  • Optimizing investment and operating costs of wastewater treatment systems.
  • Investors are accompanied by experts to advise and support for life.
  • In addition to wastewater treatment techniques, they are also experts in environmental regulations that can help investors complete the legal process.

How to effectively decolorize textile dyeing wastewater?

Wastewater is first separated by the garbage collector and then through the cooling tower, then collected to the Aeration tank, and continues to be pumped to the Coagulation reactor.

At the flocculation reactor, the wastewater is supplemented with a coagulant solution and a colorant to coagulate the impurities present in the wastewater and to remove the color of the wastewater.

Wastewater after adding coagulant chemicals will agglomerate the impurities together, and coagulant aids (PACs) are added to increase the size of the floc to support the gravity settling of the clarifier. physicochemical properties, the remaining clear water is pumped to the next treatment plant.

Factors affecting the anaerobic biological process

The factors affecting the anaerobic digestion of wastewater include: temperature, pH, key nutrients and toxic compounds in the input water. For domestic wastewater, usually the last three factors do not need to be considered.

Treatment of wastewater rich in phosphorus and nitrogen compounds

Treating wastewater rich in nitrogen and phosphorus compounds needs to go through many stages such as primary and secondary treatment and treatment with advanced methods:

Primary treatment: is a method of applying mechanical, physico-chemical techniques to remove pollutant agents that can be perceived by the senses such as turbidity, odor, color or hazardous waste. raw size. These methods are usually garbage filtering, garbage screening, sand settling, water filtration, aeration, etc.

Secondary treatment: to remove carbon-rich organic compounds. The common method is microbial treatment in anaerobic and aerobic conditions, when aerobic treatment, microorganisms will thrive, work continuously to decompose organic substances into toxic forms. At the same time create solid blocks that are easy to separate from water.

Treatment by advanced methods: to improve the processing level compared to the previous two methods in terms of nutrition. Conduct absorption, ion exchange … to be able to completely remove harmful nutrient compounds to ensure that the wastewater quality meets the requirements.

Reducing operating chemicals on industrial washing and dyeing wastewater

Sludge is one of the causes hindering the treatment efficiency of industrial washing and dyeing wastewater. If the sludge is not separated from the waste, the system will consume a lot of chemicals to treat wastewater up to the standards, and that way is a specialized solid-liquid separation device for industrial washing and dyeing wastewater.

The solid-liquid device separates impurities from coarse to fine particles from the input wastewater to reduce the concentration of pollutants in the wastewater, lower the temperature and balance the pH, creating ideal conditions for biochemical processes. The rear is effective but does not consume a lot of chemicals.

Cost savings in reuse of industrial washing & dyeing wastewater

Reuse of wastewater in industrial washing & dyeing industry helps to take advantage of the huge volume of water released from domestic and production activities. This is very useful for businesses because it helps to reduce the cost of purchasing water supply, discharge costs and limit risks in discharge regulations and the environment. Consult the solution

What wastes in wastewater treatment should be noted?

  1. The treatment system has not focused on efficient water reuse: Many businesses still consider treated wastewater as waste water, so they have not taken advantage of this renewable resource.
  2. Expensive investment treatment system: Many businesses simply invest in the system but do not pay attention to carefully study the wastewater load and composition to have the appropriate and optimal treatment technology.
  3. Treatment systems are not properly operated: Many systems are invested and completed but are not focused on correct operation and maintenance, leading to rapid deterioration, costly operation and repair costs, renovations.

Water treatment construction solution

Share and advise on optimal, effective and economical water treatment solutions

You need to research water treatment technology?

But you don’t have a trusted expert or professional to advise you? ARES will provide you with practical technical solutions to help you solve all related construction problems.

02 important points in the operation of the laundry wastewater treatment system.

Firstly, color is the leading pollutant indicator in industrial washing & dyeing wastewater, which greatly affects the quality of treated wastewater of any technology. Second, for every 1m3 of wastewater generated, 0.4-0.7 kg of sludge is generated, this waste belongs to the hazardous group and must be managed according to the regulations on hazardous waste.

Therefore, if you don’t pay attention and effectively handle these two problems, the industrial washing & dyeing water treatment system will operate inefficiently and cost money.

Reduce investment area for wastewater system Residential area

The population is growing and developing, along with residential areas and urban areas forming countless numbers. And the difficult problem for investors is how to build a domestic wastewater treatment system in residential areas and urban areas so as not to occupy a lot of area, not to cause bad odors for residents and to ensure the beauty of the area. area.

Understanding that difficulty, today’s wastewater treatment technology has developed a block box system that reduces 30-40% of the volume compared to traditional tank construction technology. In addition, this technology can be easily built into the surface to help reduce both space and occupation in residential areas and urban areas. Consult the solution

Why do investors always need a wastewater treatment company?

Wastewater is one of the most common types of waste generated in human activities and production. Because of its many impacts on the environment, this type of waste is strictly regulated on standard treatment before being released. Wastewater treatment requires high technology, thoroughly effective to ensure security and environmental quality, so investors need to have experts to accompany to:

  • A highly specialized and experienced wastewater treatment company will advise and design specialized and qualified treatment technologies.
  • Optimizing investment and operating costs of wastewater treatment systems.
  • Investors are accompanied by experts to advise and support for life.
  • In addition to wastewater treatment techniques, they are also experts in environmental regulations that can help investors complete the legal process.

How to effectively decolorize textile dyeing wastewater?

Wastewater is first separated by the garbage collector and then through the cooling tower, then collected to the Aeration tank, and continues to be pumped to the Coagulation reactor.

At the flocculation reactor, the wastewater is supplemented with a coagulant solution and a colorant to coagulate the impurities present in the wastewater and to remove the color of the wastewater.

Wastewater after adding coagulant chemicals will agglomerate the impurities together, and coagulant aids (PACs) are added to increase the size of the floc to support the gravity settling of the clarifier. physicochemical properties, the remaining clear water is pumped to the next treatment plant.

Factors affecting the anaerobic biological process

The factors affecting the anaerobic digestion of wastewater include: temperature, pH, key nutrients and toxic compounds in the input water. For domestic wastewater, usually the last three factors do not need to be considered.

Treatment of wastewater rich in phosphorus and nitrogen compounds

Treating wastewater rich in nitrogen and phosphorus compounds needs to go through many stages such as primary and secondary treatment and treatment with advanced methods:

Primary treatment: is a method of applying mechanical, physico-chemical techniques to remove pollutant agents that can be perceived by the senses such as turbidity, odor, color or hazardous waste. raw size. These methods are usually garbage filtering, garbage screening, sand settling, water filtration, aeration, etc.

Secondary treatment: to remove carbon-rich organic compounds. The common method is microbial treatment in anaerobic and aerobic conditions, when aerobic treatment, microorganisms will thrive, work continuously to decompose organic substances into toxic forms. At the same time create solid blocks that are easy to separate from water.

Treatment by advanced methods: to improve the processing level compared to the previous two methods in terms of nutrition. Conduct absorption, ion exchange … to be able to completely remove harmful nutrient compounds to ensure that the wastewater quality meets the requirements.

Reducing operating chemicals on industrial washing and dyeing wastewater

Sludge is one of the causes hindering the treatment efficiency of industrial washing and dyeing wastewater. If the sludge is not separated from the waste, the system will consume a lot of chemicals to treat wastewater up to the standards, and that way is a specialized solid-liquid separation device for industrial washing and dyeing wastewater.

The solid-liquid device separates impurities from coarse to fine particles from the input wastewater to reduce the concentration of pollutants in the wastewater, lower the temperature and balance the pH, creating ideal conditions for biochemical processes. The rear is effective but does not consume a lot of chemicals.

Cost savings in reuse of industrial washing & dyeing wastewater

Reuse of wastewater in industrial washing & dyeing industry helps to take advantage of the huge volume of water released from domestic and production activities. This is very useful for businesses because it helps to reduce the cost of purchasing water supply, discharge costs and limit risks in discharge regulations and the environment. Consult the solution

What wastes in wastewater treatment should be noted?

  1. The treatment system has not focused on efficient water reuse: Many businesses still consider treated wastewater as waste water, so they have not taken advantage of this renewable resource.
  2. Expensive investment treatment system: Many businesses simply invest in the system but do not pay attention to carefully study the wastewater load and composition to have the appropriate and optimal treatment technology.
  3. Treatment systems are not properly operated: Many systems are invested and completed but are not focused on correct operation and maintenance, leading to rapid deterioration, costly operation and repair costs, renovations.

What are the benefits of recycling wastewater?

Be proactive in the supply of clean and safe water that has been treated: self-sufficiency will help businesses take full initiative in the use and control of clean water quality.

Cost savings: Make good use of waste sources, do not spend a lot of money on buying clean water.

Reduce waste: Renewable energy saves energy and costs.

Creating environmental benefits: helping businesses create a circular, closed process, limiting emissions affecting the environment.

Recovery of by-products in wastewater from the seafood processing industry

At seafood processing plants, residual by-products in wastewater account for 5-10% of total processing output. Flow by-products entering the wastewater treatment system will increase system operating costs, unstable water quality after treatment, etc.

In fact, this source of by-products can be used as animal feed, pharmaceuticals or raw materials for the production of other by-products. Consult the solution

Treatment of eutrophication in canals, ponds and lakes

Eutrophication is a natural environmental phenomenon when ponds and lakes have an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients. This phenomenon is not new and it is easy to see the phenomenon in places where the water surface is dark green of algae. They greatly affect the life of humans as well as aquatic species.

Currently, there are several ways to help deal with this phenomenon. However, most of the methods still have some limitations, and there is a highly effective network solution if overcome from the beginning, which is the use of probiotics. Consult the solution

Stabilize nutrients in wastewater

Nutrients in wastewater include N and P. In which: Nitrogen content in input wastewater is considered sufficient if total Nitrogen (including Nitrogen – Kjedalhl, Nitrogen – Ammonium, Nitrogen – Nitrite, Nitrogen – Nitrate) in treated water is 1-2mg/l. If it is higher, it means that the nitrogen content in the wastewater is already in excess, it is necessary to stop adding nitrogen from the outside (if any).

How to aerate to ensure oxygen for wastewater treatment?

Oxygen is of course the most important element in the activated biomass process. If the oxygen supply is cut off or limited, the biomass will become dark, give off an unpleasant odor and the quality of the treated water will be degraded.

It is necessary to reduce the inflow of wastewater immediately or stop it altogether (if the aerator fails completely).

After long periods of insufficient oxygen, the biomass must be vigorously aerated without loading with fresh wastewater. Then the wastewater supply flow can be increased step by step.

Note:   Oxygen problems need to be thoroughly resolved as soon as possible.

Indicators to note after treatment of biological wastewater systems

BOD after treatment is still high
This condition occurs due to overload, lack of oxygen, pH change, poisoning, poor mixing.
N after treatment is still high
Due to unstable technology, the presence of N compounds that are difficult to decompose, high sludge biomass in the tank, poisoning, and dead bacteria.
N-NO3, N-NO2 after treatment is still high
It is due to inappropriate pH (<6.5 or > 8.5), high N load, presence of toxic substances, unstable operation, low temperature, excess oxygen (anaerobic tank), lack of organic matter. P: required ortho phosphate: 1-2 mg/l, deficiency must be supplemented.

Sewage pump troubleshooting

It is necessary to check the pump to see if the water is being pushed up. When the pump works but does not pump water, it is necessary to check the water for the following reasons:

  • Is the power supply power stable?.
  • Is the pump impeller stuck in any obstacle?
  • If there is a strange sound while pumping, it is necessary to stop pumping immediately and find out the cause to fix the problem.

Depending on each specific case, provide a timely pump repair plan. It is best to equip 2 pumps, both for backup use in case the main pump fails, and to pump in combination with the main pump in case it needs to pump with a larger flow.

Common biomass problems and how to fix

Floating biomass: Checking organic loads, inhibitors

Scattered biomass: Change of organic load, DO. Check for toxins for organic pretreatment or reduction.

Biomass forms a solid mixture: Increases internal load, oxygen, stabilizes appropriate pH, adds nutrients.

What happens when the wastewater treatment plant stops working and how to fix it?

There are many reasons for the biological wastewater treatment system to stop working, which will cause the organism population to starve, lack appetite, and decompose intracellularly. Dead biomass drifts out, increasing the amount of suspended solids in the water. Oxygen is still required to avoid anaerobic conditions and odor problems, but must be kept to a minimum.

How to solve the problem

  • Reduce input wastewater from 20-30% of normal level.
  • Try to store as much wastewater as possible in the conditioning tank or storage tank.
  • Reduce oxygen supply to the lowest possible level (DO about 1-2mg/l).
  • Maintain normal operation for as long as possible. Maintain and supplement nutrients.
  • If necessary, it is necessary to add carbon sources from outside (such as acetate, methanole…) to prevent biomass from rotting and remove as much as possible.

Customer support solution

Share and advise on project improvement, response and prevention of environmental incidents

Do you need to optimize environmental work?

But you don’t have a trusted expert or specialist to advise you? ARES will provide you with comprehensive solutions to help you solve all your environmental concerns

Customer support solution

Share and advise on project improvement, response and prevention of environmental incidents

Do you need to optimize environmental work?

But you don’t have a trusted expert or specialist to advise you? ARES will provide you with comprehensive solutions to help you solve all your environmental concerns

What are the benefits of recycling wastewater?

Be proactive in the supply of clean and safe water that has been treated: self-sufficiency will help businesses take full initiative in the use and control of clean water quality.

Cost savings: Make good use of waste sources, do not spend a lot of money on buying clean water.

Reduce waste: Renewable energy saves energy and costs.

Creating environmental benefits: helping businesses create a circular, closed process, limiting emissions affecting the environment.

Recovery of by-products in wastewater from the seafood processing industry

At seafood processing plants, residual by-products in wastewater account for 5-10% of total processing output. Flow by-products entering the wastewater treatment system will increase system operating costs, unstable water quality after treatment, etc.

In fact, this source of by-products can be used as animal feed, pharmaceuticals or raw materials for the production of other by-products. Consult the solution

Treatment of eutrophication in canals, ponds and lakes

Eutrophication is a natural environmental phenomenon when ponds and lakes have an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients. This phenomenon is not new and it is easy to see the phenomenon in places where the water surface is dark green of algae. They greatly affect the life of humans as well as aquatic species.

Currently, there are several ways to help deal with this phenomenon. However, most of the methods still have some limitations, and there is a highly effective network solution if overcome from the beginning, which is the use of probiotics. Consult the solution

Stabilize nutrients in wastewater

Nutrients in wastewater include N and P. In which: Nitrogen content in input wastewater is considered sufficient if total Nitrogen (including Nitrogen – Kjedalhl, Nitrogen – Ammonium, Nitrogen – Nitrite, Nitrogen – Nitrate) in treated water is 1-2mg/l. If it is higher, it means that the nitrogen content in the wastewater is already in excess, it is necessary to stop adding nitrogen from the outside (if any).

How to aerate to ensure oxygen for wastewater treatment?

Oxygen is of course the most important element in the activated biomass process. If the oxygen supply is cut off or limited, the biomass will become dark, give off an unpleasant odor and the quality of the treated water will be degraded.

It is necessary to reduce the inflow of wastewater immediately or stop it altogether (if the aerator fails completely).

After long periods of insufficient oxygen, the biomass must be vigorously aerated without loading with fresh wastewater. Then the wastewater supply flow can be increased step by step.

Note:   Oxygen problems need to be thoroughly resolved as soon as possible.

Indicators to note after treatment of biological wastewater systems

BOD after treatment is still high
This condition occurs due to overload, lack of oxygen, pH change, poisoning, poor mixing.
N after treatment is still high
Due to unstable technology, the presence of N compounds that are difficult to decompose, high sludge biomass in the tank, poisoning, and dead bacteria.
N-NO3, N-NO2 after treatment is still high
It is due to inappropriate pH (<6.5 or > 8.5), high N load, presence of toxic substances, unstable operation, low temperature, excess oxygen (anaerobic tank), lack of organic matter. P: required ortho phosphate: 1-2 mg/l, deficiency must be supplemented.

Sewage pump troubleshooting

It is necessary to check the pump to see if the water is being pushed up. When the pump works but does not pump water, it is necessary to check the water for the following reasons:

  • Is the power supply power stable?.
  • Is the pump impeller stuck in any obstacle?
  • If there is a strange sound while pumping, it is necessary to stop pumping immediately and find out the cause to fix the problem.

Depending on each specific case, provide a timely pump repair plan. It is best to equip 2 pumps, both for backup use in case the main pump fails, and to pump in combination with the main pump in case it needs to pump with a larger flow.

Common biomass problems and how to fix

Floating biomass: Checking organic loads, inhibitors

Scattered biomass: Change of organic load, DO. Check for toxins for organic pretreatment or reduction.

Biomass forms a solid mixture: Increases internal load, oxygen, stabilizes appropriate pH, adds nutrients.

What happens when the wastewater treatment plant stops working and how to fix it?

There are many reasons for the biological wastewater treatment system to stop working, which will cause the organism population to starve, lack appetite, and decompose intracellularly. Dead biomass drifts out, increasing the amount of suspended solids in the water. Oxygen is still required to avoid anaerobic conditions and odor problems, but must be kept to a minimum.

How to solve the problem

  • Reduce input wastewater from 20-30% of normal level.
  • Try to store as much wastewater as possible in the conditioning tank or storage tank.
  • Reduce oxygen supply to the lowest possible level (DO about 1-2mg/l).
  • Maintain normal operation for as long as possible. Maintain and supplement nutrients.
  • If necessary, it is necessary to add carbon sources from outside (such as acetate, methanole…) to prevent biomass from rotting and remove as much as possible.


Let’s watch videos on environment, wastewater treatment at Youtube channel

Washing wastewater treatment solution, capacity 4,000 m3/day.night

Domestic wastewater treatment solution, 1,600 m3/day. night

Reuse solution of washing wastewater with Lamella sedimentation technology

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