
Wastewater treatment system of Chau Thanh field hospital

Investor: Department of Health of An Giang province



Chau Thanh District, An Giang Province

Wastewater type

Medical waste water


30 m3/ day.night


Collection -> Anaerobic 1 -> Anaerobic 2 -> MBR Tank -> Sedimentation -> Disinfection -> Receiving Source

Standard after treatment

QCVN 28:2010/BTNMT, column A

Completed time


Project explanation

Collection tank: Waste water generated from the hospital will follow the pipeline to this tank and then from the collection tank. In the first compartment, the collection tank will be aerated with ozone to remove harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, bacteria, staphylococci, etc.

Anaerobic tank 1: This tank acts as a stable flow tank, for better post-treatment stages, with additional nutrients and NaOH to balance pH and stabilize nutrient concentrations in the system. processing system.

Anaerobic tank 2: In this tank, a fixed substrate is installed to increase the ability to handle pollutants such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, BOD, COD to reduce the load on the rear treatment system.

MBR tank: The benefits and advantages of the biodegradation method combining the buffer material of the moving media and the continuous aeration of the air blower into the MBBR tank and the treatment of the gas coming out of the tank with Ozone gas to ensure air quality before being released into the environment.

High efficiency of BOD, COD, Ammonia treatment can reach 95 – 98%;

Ensure complete eradication of pathogenic bacteria present in wastewater and avoid re-contamination of water sources; Environmentally friendly wastewater treatment system, no environmental pollution; Modern wastewater treatment technology, easy to manage; Reduced investment costs, low operating and maintenance costs; High treatment efficiency, small amount of sludge.

Lamella Sedimentation Tank: A tank using a laminar settling plate installed with an inclination angle of 45-60 degrees. During the process of moving through the lamellar settling plate, the sediments will collide with each other and stick to the surface of the settling plates, when the flocs. If the sediment has a large enough volume, it will overcome the dynamics of the flow, the floc will sink to the bottom of the tank and will be pumped and circulated back to the tanks.

Disinfection tank: Waste water after passing through the settling tank will be overflowed through the disinfection tank, where chlorine chemicals will be added to the tank to treat microorganisms before being sent to the existing treatment system of the plant. hospital.

Project images

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