Protect environment

with a devotional attitude

The rest of the world (nature) can go on living without us, but we cannot exist without them

ARES provides a comprehensive solution

Having spent 18 years loving the environment, ARES team always keeps the spirit and attitude of serving for the comprehensive development of the business and the community.

Environmental procedure

Share and advise regulations on environmental procedure for businesses


Water treatment construction

Share and advise on optimal, effective and economical water treatment technical solutions


Customer support

Sharing & consulting on improvement, response and prevention of environmental incidents


ARES provides services of

Water treatment and Environment

ARES services are comprehensive solutions,
put the interests and satisfaction of customers first

Water treatment construction

Consulting & constructing from new investment, improvement to upgrading constructions in many industries


Chemical and Equipment

Supplying chemicals & water treatment equipment with many types, origin & advanced technology


Water filtration equipment

Providing safe water that help improving people health with world-class technology


Environmental solution consulting

Consulting on environmental law, reuse & troubleshooting to optimize management, cost & efficiency


Typical projects

ARES has 18 years of prestige brand with comprehensive solutions
for more than 300 environmental projects nationwide

thi cong he thong xu ly nuoc thai sinh hoat an giang

Hệ thống xử lý nước thải khu dân cư Bộ đội Biên phòng

Tháng tư 27, 2024

he thong xu ly nuoc thai do thi 1280x720

Hệ thống xử lý nước thải đô thị tập trung thành phố Châu Đốc

Tháng tư 26, 2024

he thong xu ly nuoc ri rac 800x500

Hệ thống xử lý nước rỉ rác khu xử lý rác xã Phú Thạnh

Tháng tư 10, 2024


Hệ thống xử lý nước Nhà máy may Minh Anh Thọ Xuân

Tháng Một 14, 2022


Hệ thống xử lý nước thải Bệnh viện y học cổ truyền An Giang

Tháng Một 10, 2022

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Concentrated domestic wastewater treatment system in Nui Sam

Tháng chín 9, 2021


Years of experience


Completed Projects


Loyal customers


Domestic and foreign partners

I am proud to have joined the ARES team in bringing many projects to contribute to the environmental protection and sustainable development of many businesses in Vietnam.
I love Mahatma Gandhi's quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" By practicing an ethical, responsible and conscious lifestyle to protect the environment, we are spreading the word to every person we meet to do the same to take care of and protect this beautiful planet together as a gift for our next generation.

Bui Thanh PhapDirector
Môi trường ARES avatar

Do you need water treatment and enviromental solution?

Please contact ARES to receive the most specialized advice