Let’s keep our green earth together

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Fixing the problem of foaming in the Aerotank in the textile dyeing wastewater treatment system

Aerotank (also known as aerobic activated sludge tank) in textile dyeing wastewater treatment system, is an aerobic biological wastewater treatment method, in which oxygen is supplied and the wastewater is mixed with activated sludge continuously to take place the decomposition reactions of organic substances, organic compounds. Foaming in the aerobic tank is one of the…
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Domestic wastewater treatment system for Urban areas and commercial centers

In recent years, Vietnam has been evaluated as one of the countries with a rapid urbanization rate. However, the investment in the technical system of urban infrastructure in general and the urban water supply and drainage system in particular in our country is still limited. The rapid urbanization process leads to the formation of large…
Zalo B2B Anh bia 2

New points of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020

After the implementation period, the Law on Environmental Protection 2014 has contributed to creating positive changes in environmental protection, but revealed problems, inadequacies, and overlaps with other legal provisions such as the Law on Investment, the Law on Public Investment In order to overcome the limitations of the Law on Environmental Protection 2014 and create…

Wastewater Treatment Methods

To treat wastewater, in practice, the following three methods are often applied: mechanical, physicochemical, biochemical (or biological), and to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in wastewater, it is necessary to perform a reduction stage. before discharging into rivers and lakes. 1. MECHANICAL HANDLING The essence of the mechanical treatment method of wastewater is to remove insoluble impurities…
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Anti-Nitrification Process

The denitrification process is a complex process that can be understood in two ways: Broad Meaning: Denitrification is any denitrification process that results in the formation of more difficult to reduce compounds (nitrite, ammonia) nitrogen-containing organic compounds. Narrow meaning: A denitrification process whose end product is the formation of molecular nitrogen. The denitrification process occurs…
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Toyo Screen Solid – Liquid Separator – By-product Recovery Solution

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Solid-liquid separation equipment applies the most advanced sealing membrane technology of Toyo Screen - Japan. The solid-liquid mixture will be spilled on the surface of the diaphragm at a certain angle, the solid will be kept outside while the water (Liquid) will flow inside the membrane. The solids will build up, accretion more…

Breakthrough Solution for Washing Grinding and Industrial Laundry Wastewater Treatment

The washing, grinding and industrial washing industry is one of the key industries of Vietnam, the industry with the second largest export turnover with export value contributing 10-15% to GDP, and Vietnam is one of the 10 countries. largest textile exporter in the world. With that development are the environmental impacts from the fiber manufacturing process…
loc nuoc RO

05 Things To Know About RO Water Purification System

Currently, when water pollution is at an alarming state, water sources are contaminated with toxic substances, causing many dangerous diseases for humans. That is why the system used to filter water, pure water is being used by many organizations and individuals to filter water, produce bottled water, and bottled water to supply the needs of…

03 Important Stages of Wastewater Treatment for Grinding and Industrial Washing

The industrial washing and grinding industry is characterized by a very large amount of wastewater (about 50-300 m3/ton of fabric), and a very complex pollutant content such as dyes, surfactants, and electrolytes. glass, lozenges, media, starch, yeast, oxidants, etc. and hundreds of dissolved chemicals and heavy metals. Phuong Dong Grinding Factory, Hung Yen Therefore, operating…
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New effect on Sanctions of administrative violations in the field of environmental protection

On May 24, the Government issued Decree No. 55/2021/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 155/2016/ND-CP dated November 18, 2016 providing for penalties. administrative violations in the field of environmental protection. According to the content of Decree No. 55/2021/ND-CP supplementing the provisions on "Applicable subjects" in Article 2 of Decree No.…
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The secret to reviving polluted canals in Chau Doc, An Giang

The application combines methods of installing venturi oxygen supply systems, using aquatic plants and using probiotics AquaCure Tabs, Pond Start in wastewater treatment in polluted canals in Chau Doc, An Giang. Chau Doc - a famous tourist destination of An Giang province, especially Sam Mountain, where is located a population of about 200 pagodas, the…
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The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment provides guidance on hazardous waste management reports

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment has issued Circular No. 25/2019/TT-BTNMT dated December 31, 2019 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP dated May 13/ May 5, 2019 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of the decree detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law…
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Remove Decree 40/2019/ND-CP for businesses in the context of Covid-19

After more than a year of implementation, Decree 40/2019/ND-CP amends and supplements a number of articles of the decrees detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Environmental Protection). Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP) issued on May 13, 2019 has made an important contribution to environmental protection,…
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Safe handling of medical waste during the Covid-19 epidemic

The Covid-19 epidemic is becoming a global concern when there is no vaccine to treat it. In addition to the fear of epidemics, hospitals and medical facilities around the world also face many risks and challenges when they need to handle a large amount of infectious medical waste in the community. Before the developments of…